
Upon successful completion of this course participants will be able to:
- Recite pre emergency procedures for fire safety
- Identify all potential causes of fire
- Identify steps for prevention of fire
- Demonstrate fire extinguishing systems
- Apply the correct procedures for emergency evacuation and rescue
- Recite the responsibilities of emergency Response Teams
This firefighting training at either the basic or advanced stages provides theoretical and practical training to all participants to enable them prevent and where unavoidable approach basic and medium fire situations until the arrival of professional fire service personnel.
Course Objectives (Basic)
Course Objectives (Advanced)
Upon successful completion of this course the participants will be able to:
- Explain causes of fire and prevention methods, carry out location audits.
- Work as a fire watch for hot work permit jobs.
- Use a full range of techniques to fight class A, B & C fires safely.
- Demonstrate inspection and operation of mobile fire equipment.
- Describe types of fire attacks and how to fight them.
- Rescue personnel and carry out initial first aid.
Target Audience
Deck Crew Personnel’s, Drillers, Electricians,
Mechanics, Coiled Tubing operators,
Wireline operators, Snubbing operators, Welders,
Drillers and Assistant drillers.