What Will I Learn?
Course Details
This 1-day course is applicable to those responsible for the management of lifting equipment, work equipment, and lifting operations in general so as to update them on the new regulations outlining major differences from the regulations it has replaced, and underlining employer and employee responsibilities.
Course Objective
At the end of this course, candidates should be able to
- Demonstrate knowledge of LOLER & PUWER 1998 requirement and major differences from previous legislation.
- Understand the responsibilities they must meet under the regulations both as employee and employer.
- Understand the implications of the regulations in conjunction with the Approved Code of Practice
Course Outline
- The general requirements of PUWER as applied to Lifting Equipment.
- Lifting Equipment and the way it is used as covered specifically by LOLER.
- The previous “sector-based” legislation replaced by LOLER.
- LOLER – Where it applies and who it affects.
- The “new approach” legislation – What this means, how is it meant to be applied, and risk assessment as demanded by the ‘Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations’.
- Approved Codes of Practice (ACOP) and advice on how to apply the law.
- Lifting equipment examination periods as applied by LOLER.
- EC Declaration of Conformity (DOC) and CE marked equipment.
- Testing as part of the thorough examination as applied by LOLER.
- The discretion of the competent person.
- Rules regarding lifting equipment where the safety of which depends on its installation.
- Special requirements in LOLER for lifting equipment designed (and not designed) to carry persons
- Written Assessment
Candidates are assessed both theoretically and practically in the course of the training against the requisite course objectives.
Accreditation and Professional Memberships